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Rizong, Ladakh - 15 luglio 2009: monaco buddista vicino al monastero di Rizong. Il censimento rivela che la percentuale di buddisti nella regione è diminuito dal 53.83% al 45.87% negli ultimi 40 anni. (Daily Times)
Rizong, Ladakh - July 15, 2009: Buddhist monk in Rizong, July 15, 2009. Census reveals that the Buddhists share of Ladakh population has dropped from 53.83 to 45.87% over the past 4 decades. (Daily Times)
Rizong, Ladakh - July 15, 2009: Buddhist monk in Rizong, July 15, 2009. Census reveals that the Buddhists share of Ladakh population has dropped from 53.83 to 45.87% over the past 4 decades. (Daily Times)